Confucius Institute is named after the great ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius of over 2500 years ago. Confucius himself had been endeavoring through his whole life in constructing a world of universal harmony and “attempting the impossible”. He claimed the ideology that “harmony is most precious” and “within the four seas all men are brothers”

The main objective of this Institute is to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and proficiency in Chinese language and culture. Besides, this Institute will provide also opportunities to scholars who desire to engage in researches in numerous other related areas of study connected to these two countries. Though Confucius himself was humble enough to declare that he is not an innovator, but only a transmitter of the age old Chinese tradition and morals, the grateful Chinese people hold him in very high esteem as a great saint-like teacher who served as the resourceful fountain and spring of the whole Chinese culture: its language, philosophy, morals, education, politics and so on. In fact, the Chinese people very reverentially consider him as the epitome of the whole of Chinese practical cultural life.

Affiliated Universities


Beijing Foreign Studies University


Honghe University – China

Greeting from Dignitaries

His Excellency Yi Xianliang

It is my great pleasure to issue this message on the occasion of the Opening of the Confucius Institute in the …

Senior Professor H.D. Karunaratne

I take pleasure and pride in sharing heartwarming greetings to the Confucius Institute, a well-known and primer institute recognized by the University of Colombo for Chinese studies.

Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu

As the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, it is a great privilege for me to write a message to the web of the Confucius Institute of the University of Colombo

Professor Ma Jianfei

On the occasion of the establishment of Confucius Institute in the University of Colombo Sri Lanka…


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Certificate Course in Chinese Language – 2023 (1st Batch)

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