Confucius Institute of the University of Colombo Sri Lanka
China as a key player in the world scene today has come forward in many fronts when compared with other developing nations. So, the interest in the students to learn about China is growing more than before when China is emerging as a world power today. The heightening and ever increasing concern with China is reflected in policy formulation. Well positioned in the international landscape, China, it is argued, is moving to be a super power with an ability to galvanize the world economy and other areas of national interest, as well.
China and Sri Lanka are connected through social, religious, linguistic, cultural, economic and strategic ties that date back to several centuries. Nevertheless, China’s socio economic, cultural and linguistic relationship is having a considerable impact on the many dimensions of our future development drives. The necessity to learn about China has by now become an indispensible area of concern. However, it is seen that significantly less importance has been placed on Chinese studies at university level in Sri Lanka.
Therefore, the Confucius Institute of the University of Colombo will promote interdisciplinary study of China, thereby contributing to enrich the Chinese studies by the University of Colombo.
Our Mission
To be a Center of excellence in teaching and research, with commitments to producing human talents of high standards and social responsibility, who are innovative with independent thinking and analytical skills, contributing to national development.
Our Vision
Strive to be a Center of excellence of regional and international repute, building synergies between knowledge, education, research and entrepreneurship.
The Institute shall strive to achieve the following specific objectives:
- To establish a Confucius Institute for the learning of Chinese language and culture with all facilities under the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo.
- To encourage interest of learning of Chinese language and culture under the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo on par with other similar programs carried out by other recognized institutions in terms of their quality and standard.
- To provide excellent learning opportunities for students within the University of Colombo as well as for all other participants’ interested in the subject who seek to gain proficiency and skills in Chinese language and culture.
- To contribute to national requirements by producing human resources with proficiency and competency required by the post-conflict development process undertaken by the government.
- To become a main hub of learning about China and its culture at the University of Colombo, supporting the job market requirements and higher education prospects in Chinese language and culture.
Functions and Services
The functions and services of the Confucius Institute are:
- To introduce certificate course, diploma, undergraduate course and postgraduate diploma in Chinese language.
- To develop modules and course materials exclusively on Chinese language and culture.
- To develop knowledge and broad understanding on Chinese language and culture through programs of research, teaching, students/staff exchange and other academic activities.
- To equip Sri Lankan students, academics, and public business and foreign policy communities access to information on Chinese language, thereby giving access to other learning institutions in China.
- To develop institutional networks between Sri Lanka and China.
- To develop a library and IT based facility center on Chinese language and culture.
- To provide a forum for guest lectures, seminars, conferences and other academic events related to Chinese language and culture.
- To develop a visiting scholars and fellows programs.
- To create a forum for graduates and a diverse set of other students’ from government and public sectors and NGO’s to pursue a wide range of opportunities to meet their career aspirations.