Guest Lecture on “The Origin of Chinese Tea Culture” – 17th Sept.
The Confucius Institute, University of Colombo organized the second guest lecture of in line with the celebrations of the 5th anniversary of Confucius Institute at University of Colombo and centenary celebrations of Humanities and Social Science in higher education in Sri Lanka on 17th September, 2021 at 3.30 p.m. via Zoom platform due to prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
Dr. Yang Mei from Research Librarian, Yunnan Provincial Library, Yunnan, China, delivered the lecture on “The Origin of Chinese Tea Culture” and Dr. Yang Mei stated many live examples of Chinese culture teaching. There were around 130 participants for this interesting and motivating lecture. Overall, the session was educational as well as interactive and all the participants gained an in-depth understanding of the matter. Prof. Wimal Hewamanage, Sri Lankan Director delivered the welcome speech and Prof. Ma Zhongwu, Chinese Director introduced the guest speaker.